>U Mom Knows Best: What To Pack For A Blogger Conference

What To Pack For A Blogger Conference

   Next week I will be attending Idea World Fitness Blogfest. This will be my 7th blogging conference.  I just love attending these conferences not only for networking but also as they are so much fun. I tell my husband that I earn money so I can travel to these conferences. They are my business/me time trips. Over the years, I have learned about what are the best items to pack.

                          Sponsored post: I received a backpack to facilitate this post.


  Bring an extra suitcase or duffle bag
I always try to fly Southwest Airlines when I go to blogger conferences as I can check two bags. Usually, those extra bags are empty as they are for all the swag that I will be getting at the conferences. I can just imagine the looks on the TSA guys face when they see empty bags in the machine. I always get those notices that they have opened my bags. One time I had received bags of sugar from a conference and I packed those into my checked suitcase. When I got home, there was the TSA letter in my suitcase. I wonder if they thought I had drugs in my suitcase. So make sure to bring an extra bag or two when you go to a blog conference as brands love to give you items for you to write about on your website. The last conference that I went to, I overheard people saying they had no room for the swag in their bag and had to go buy a bag.

                     This is my conference bag that I bought to replace my old worn suitcases.

Bring a backpack or large purse 
    Having a comfy backpack or purse will be great to carry items that you need at the conference like a water bottle, snacks, your phone, etc. The brands will give you a bag to put the items that you get from them but it is good to have a bag to hold items that you need to easily reach while at the conference. At my last conference, I carried a shoulder bag purse as it was more stylish to match my outfits. Since the conference that I am attending next month is about fitness, I will be in workout clothes so I am trying a backpack as I will need more items like a towel and body spray to keep me fresh. I bought a backpack with a laptop compartment so I can also use this bag in the airport to carry my laptop. Then once I get to the hotel I can empty my laptop and other travel items out to use the bag for the conference.  

   I really like the backpack that I chose as it holds up to a 15.6 laptop and has a USB Charging Port on the inside of the bag. This charging port will come in handy for when I need to charge my phone. This stylish bag is also waterproof as you never know when it might rain. The compartment inside that holds my laptop is also well padded so my laptop is protected. I like that there are many pockets for all my pens, chargers and other small items. There are even an anti-theft zippered pocket and two water bottle holders. This backpack will also come in handy for the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta in the fall as it will allow me to be able to have my hands free for all the pictures that I take. My husband is wanting to trade backpacks with me as he thinks mine has way better features. The ironic thing his backpack cost way more than mine.

See this backpack on Amazon

Wear comfy clothes and shoes
 You will be on your feet all day so leave the heels at home and bring a comfy pair of cute sandals. I really like my OOFOS as they look so cute and are super comfy. They feel like you are walking on pillows. They also match my cute comfy pink polka dot dress that I love wearing to conferences. Wear clothes that are casual business as you want to make a great first impression with the brands that you will be meeting. 

I  love this dress as it is reversible so I have two dresses for travel, thus saving space in my suitcase.

Bring a smartphone
 Leave the big camera at home as your phone will be just fine for pictures. It will also come in handy for social media at the conference.

Bring phone chargers  
 Bring a couple of chargers and cords with so you can charge your phone during the conference. You will be taking a lot of pictures and doing social media. Some brands have contests that you can enter in exchange for a Tweet. My first conference I won a $500 gift card. Also by bringing charges, you don't have to be a wall hugger and miss out on exciting things that will be going on. Sometimes all the outlets are being used by other people so save the stress and bring the phone chargersThe backpack that I showed you earlier has a built USB charging port which will be wonderful so I don't have to open my bag to charge my phone.

Business Cards    
   Business cards are very important at conferences. Brands will ask for them so they can connect with you after the conference. The cards are also great for entering contests and handing out to other bloggers so you can connect with them later one. When purchasing cards, I recommend adding your website info, social media links, and a picture of yourself or from your homepage. I regret not having a  picture of myself on my cards and will be adding it to my next purchase as it helps brands and friends that you meet remember you better. I would bring about 100 cards with you as you don't want to run out.

                                                 Water bottle and  Snacks                                                                
Conferences are fun yet busy. It is important to stay hydrated and you may not have time to go to the water fountain. Sure there may be samples of food at the conference but they may not hold you over until the next meal. It is hard to learn and network if you are hungry and dehydrated. Also, don't forget a package of mints so you will have fresh breath when talking to brands.

                                                            Pen and paper                                                                         
There will be so much learning going on in the sessions at the conference so you will want to take notes. If you forget paper, you can always write on the back of papers that the brands give you but a notebook will make it so much more organized so you can read it later to apply to your website.

These are some of the important items to bring to a blogger conference. There may be other items that you may feel that you need but this is a list to start with and you may think of others as you start packing.

Have you ever attended a bloggers conference? If so please chime in and tell me what items you always bring as this will help those first-time bloggers. It is through others that I learned about what I needed to bring to my first conference.



Erin S said...

This is great. I am packing as we speak to head to Blogger Bash in NYC. Great ideas

Unknown said...

Oooh! I really do want to try those sandals!! I have not been to a blogger conference yet but I need to get busy planning to go.

Sarah Bailey said...

I have never made it to a blogger conference (yet) I totally will one day soon and I am going to have to keep this in mind, comfy clothes and shoes are must!

Unknown said...

Phone charger is such an important thing!! I tend to forget and my goes flat so quickly! I haven't been to a blogging conference before but hope to get to one one day!

Claudia Krusch said...

This is a great packing list. I always pack way to much. I love going to blogger conferences.

Parenting Patch said...

I have never been to a blogger conference before. Good comfortable shoes and my mobile device would be at the top of my packing list.

Lalia Frolick said...

I have never been to a blogger conference, although I would love to attend at least one someday. I'm sure it's all too easy to go through business cards at such an event--best to have a lot on hand, for sure!

Unknown said...

I have never heard of a blogger conference but I will be on th lookout for one near me now! Great advice too x

Unknown said...

That definitely looks like a comfy outfit. I'm all for comfort more than fashion. Never been to a bloggers conference, not sure it's for me. But if ever I do go, will keep your list in mind :)

Athena said...

I love the reversible dress - what a great idea. I always pack a second luggage item for stuff I need to bring home. So often I use to end up shipping stuff home.

Jacqui Odell said...

These are great tips! I was nervous my first conference. I think I have the same cup as you :)

Echo aka The Mad Mommy said...

This is a very smart list and yes, an extra bag for swag is a must! I also LOVE your Candy Crush Luggage!!!

Unknown said...

I've never been to a blogger conference but now I know what to pack the next time I'm invited. Thanks for the tips!

Alayna said...

Love the style of that backpack. And I never thought of a reversible dress but that's a cool idea!

Unknown said...

I have never been to blogger conference. Yes, never forget the business cards. ;)

HauteBeautyGuide said...

OMG! Those battery back packs are LIFE! I hope you enjoyed the conference! Xx-Doran @HauteBeautyGuide

Jennifer L. said...

Wow I love that backpack..it has so many pockets. Great idea on the reversible dress makes packing less more feasible.

Ada said...

That backpack looks so cool, having a charging port built in!

Rebecca Swenor said...

This is an awesome list of items to pack for a blogger conference. Using a backpack is a great idea for carrying your laptop. Packing an extra duffel bag for the goodies you receive at the conference is also a wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing the packing list.

Michelle said...

My must-haves are water, snacks, a pen and notepad, my smartphone and chargers/cords, and plenty of business cards. I usually carry them in a rolling backpack since I have MS and have problems carrying things for long periods of time.

Ana said...

Some great tips to carry at blogger conference! I liked the idea of carrying empty bags to keep numerous gifts at the end of the conference!

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Mom knows best