>U Mom Knows Best: New Mom Health Concerns: Mind, Body, Soul

New Mom Health Concerns: Mind, Body, Soul

When you’re in the first year of your baby’s life, the only health and well-being that you are concerned with is your baby’s. A lot of the care after birth is focused on the little one, which - of course! - is easy to understand. Few new Moms would have it any other way.

However, that does leave room for a vulnerability. With a new Mom so focused on the health of her child, focus on their own health can begin to slip away. This is often exacerbated by the fact that most people expect to feel terrible during that first year as a new parent; we’re all warned about the sleep deprivation after all.

If you find yourself in that position - new Mom, only focused on baby - then it’s well worth taking a pause and considering your own health. After all, your little one is going to be the best cared for by a Mom who is healthy in mind, body, and spirit - so really by helping yourself, you’re helping your child. There are a few particular areas you need to keep an eye on, so here are a few steps to ensuring you’re the fittest and healthiest Mom you can be…


The most vital thing for any new Mom is to be aware of the signs of postpartum depression and to keep an open and honest dialog with those around you. If you do experience any mood issues after giving birth, don’t suffer in silence - there’s plenty of help available to provide the assistance that you and your baby needs.

Don’t forget that while depression is the most well-known post-baby mental health condition, it’s also possible to have postpartum anxiety and even psychosis. Any strong change of mood or behavior should be checked out by a health professional.


Studies have linked new Moms with several potential health conditions, which it is worth your time protecting against.

A Swedish study found that new Moms were more likely to show signs of lower bone density than non-Moms. It, therefore, might be worth talking to your doctor and perusing some AlgaeCal Plant Calcium reviews to see if there’s any course of supplements that might be able to help you avoid this risk.

There’s also evidence that overly concerning yourself with losing your baby weight too quickly can be damaging. Take it slowly, aiming to lose a pound or so a week, and eating a nutritious diet - especially if you’re breastfeeding.

You might also see some hormonal changes as your body adjusts from your pregnancy. This could cause hair loss and oily skin issues, but these should pass within six months. If they don’t, mention it to your doctor if you’re finding them particularly distressing.


Caring for your baby is an incredibly rewarding and wonderful time of life, but it can also be isolating. You might not be able to see your friends as often as you would usually like, and it can make you feel like you and your partner don’t have much time together.

Try and take a couple of hours a week to just be you, not Mom you. Go for a walk and enjoy nature, or just read a book for half an hour of selfish pleasure. A more balanced, relaxed Mom is going to be better for baby - so really, it’s not that selfish at all.

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Mom knows best