>U Mom Knows Best: Pictures Of My New Blogger Photo Studio

Pictures Of My New Blogger Photo Studio

I love my new workroom/photo studio!

  My new workspace and photo studio is a room that I love. I wish I had remodeled this room years ago. This new room is making my blogging work so much easier and less messy. I no longer have the clutter and I am able to get my work done faster. Having everything that I need in one room makes it so much easier to take pictures. Even my teen has used my room to take some pictures.

I can close up the room!

Now when company comes over, I can shut the doors of my workspace so they can't see my mess. My husband says I should keep it clean all the time but I know that may not always happen, especially if I have some work in progress. Saturday is the day that I take all my photos for my articles and the products from companies can accumulate. So I love that I can close the doors and not see the mess of products waiting to be photographed.

So much storage!

 My new room has plenty of storage in it for all the things that I need for taking photos. I can store all my dishes and other props in the storage unit. I also have a place to store products as they come in. Around the holidays when I am creating my holiday gift guides, the packages of toys and other Christmas gifts can pile up. 

There is even a nice table for taking my pictures. I love that this table is lightweight and it is easy to move around the room. That makes it easy to get the most natural light for my pictures. The photo table is the perfect size for the room.

The photo table.

 I love this simple table as it allows me to place different backdrops on it for photos. I can also leave the backdrops out on the table instead of rolling them up. No more having to flatten them. I can also place my photo screen behind the table for larger photos. When I want to do a Youtube video, the storage unit makes a nice clean background.

Reused some furniture!

  I reused the older storage cube unit for the place to put all the products that I get from companies. I just open the box that gets delivered and place the stuff into a cube. Then it is easily found when I need to take pictures.

Love my new curtains! 

I found these curtains at Target and just had to have them. The cactus on them is so pretty. My son says they would make a great backdrop for photos and I so agree. The curtains also help me adjust the light in the room.

This storage unit has 32 cubes!

  I bought this unit at Ikea and it is so awesome for the organization. I am able to store things like dishes and other things that I need for pictures. I even shared some space with my husband for his things. I love that I was able to get cabinets and pull out drawers also at Ikea for the unit. This makes it easy to hide the clutter. I also bought plenty of totes for storage. So my photo room is also an office area for the printer items.

Love the open cubes!

The open cubes were fun to decorate with items that I use for my photos. I love that I can change the items around for holidays or different seasons. Since I am taking summer photos right now I decorated several with a summer theme. I also make a coffee theme as I am always in the mood for coffee. I have plenty of open cubes that I can stash all those cute items that I need for photo props. My favorite place to get photo props is at thrift stores and the dollar store.

Storage for my photo stands.

 I can fold up my stand for my bigger photo backdrops here. This space is just the right size. These corners help hide the bigger items so they are not in the way.

Love all the storage!

 Everything has a place in this storage unit. The best part is no one sees all the stuff. I love having all my photo stuff in one room. It makes it so easy to take photos and clean up afterward! These cabinets hold everything from dishes to silk flowers. It makes creating the photos so easy as I can glance at what I have and simply grab the perfect props for the cooking photos.

The before photo of my messy office!

The after photo of my new photo studio/workroom!

Post #1 https://www.momknowsbest.net/2018/05/how-this-blogger-updated-office-into.html
Post #2 https://www.momknowsbest.net/2018/05/the-process-of-turning-office-into-new.html


GiGi Eats said...

OMG IT LOOKS GREAT!!! I love when I finally get everything organized and can call the space my own!!! AND FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT!

Unknown said...

What a great space! I love the Ikea storage unit and you have everything so well organized!

Tara said...

That is setup so perfect! I love all the organizer features! I buy those thinking I'll set it up all nice, and then it just adds to the chaos we call home.

Annie said...

Love the before and after. Ikea is such a lifesaver! Everything is super organized!

Unknown said...

I am loving all your storage space! I am freakishly organized so the huge storage unit is my dream! haha

Sondra Barker said...

Organization really gets me going! I would die for the storage space. BEAUTIFUL

tinagleisner said...

Love your door idea as everyone defines organized differently & rather than fight about this, it is a good idea to simply ... close the doors

Unknown said...

This is so cute and such a great idea for bloggers. I mean I'm a blogger myslef and I take picttpic all the time, it really wouldn't hurt to a fictional photoshoot space.

Anonymous said...

So much storage!! Looks absolutely gorgeous and super organized!

shanelle sherlin said...

WOW I'm impressed. Can you come to my house and organize my room please?

Nina at Model City Polish said...

You have a cute studio!!! I love all the storage!

Evelyn Lo Foreman said...

Tara, I love your new photo studio too!! Adore the cubbies where you can store and organize anything. I’m sure it was a process moving things around - you’ve done it so gracefully. Well-done! Xo Evelyn, PathofPresence

SveetesKapes said...

That is a cute photo studio. you have done a good job with the makeover.

Ruth I said...

I love your workstation! It is well organized and looks so cozy. I need this kind of place here.

Kiwi said...

I love that ikea storage unit. I love it and it would be very usefully for storing so many things especially my craft items.

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Mom knows best