>U Mom Knows Best: The Benefits Of Simple Weightlifting

The Benefits Of Simple Weightlifting

       My body looks so awesome thanks to simple weightlifting!

 When I was younger, I did not think I needed to lift weights. I thought that running was enough for my body to stay in shape. I would talk to fitness trainers who suggested that I add weights to my exercise routine. The trainers said that it would be good for my body, I did not listen. I thought weights were slow and boring. I wanted a fast workout that I could do in thirty minutes and that is why I started running as I learned that I could either walk for 45 minutes or run for thirty to burn the same amount of calories. I enjoyed the speed of running and did not want to slow down for the weightlifting. Fast forward 30 years and as I entered my fifties, my arms started to get flabby. My teen liked to call them BINGO arms. So I started eating better and added 10 more minutes to my running. My arms lost some weight but they still were flabby.

A free gym membership was all it took to start lifting weights.

   Last year my husbands work started offering free gym memberships, so I decided to check it out. At first, I found the gym boring. My running was more exciting. When summer ended, I forced myself to go to the gym three days a week and started lifting 5 pound free weights. At this time, my teen also placed a pull-up bar in my kitchen and I watched him use it. When I realized that I could not do one pull-up, I knew it was time to get serious about weightlifting. I did not like how weak my arms were. So I started to use the weightlifting machines at the gym and forced myself to lift heavier weights.

A year later, I like how my arms look!

  My arms are now toned and strong. I can even do pull-ups! I am glad that I forced myself to lift weights. I still lift weights 2-3 days a week. My routine is six arm weight machines at the gym for 20 reps. I am not going for bulk so I am lifting at the most 50 pounds. What I like is my routine only takes 10-15 minutes. I even do some arm work with those stretchy bands while I make my smoothie. I now know that weights are important and wish I had started them when I was younger. If I did not have a gym membership than I would use free weights like kettlebells

Weights are great for all ages!

  I see how weak my father-in-law's arms are and that motivates me to keep using weights. So don't wait until you are older and have flabby arms. Start lifting some 5-pound weights. Keep your muscles strong. Just 10-15 minutes, 2-3 days a week is all you need. When I don't have time to get to the gym I put on some music and lift my kettlebells at home. Don't make excuses about working out, even moms can sneak in exercise with these Workout Tips For Stay At Home Moms.

                                Do you lift weights? 
        Will you make simple weights part of your exercise?


Terri Beavers said...

I'd love to try some simple weightlifting to work on my arms. I can see how weightlifting could help in many areas. I haven't lifted any weight since my back surgery but I'm ready to embrace it again when given the okay.

Mom Knows Best said...

That is awesome to hear. Hope you heal quickly!

Christy DuBois said...

I've always had very toned arms from working in the yard and from brung made that way and a lot was asked how often do you work out and I never worked out so to speak. But I was very active all the time. Now I'm 50 and I'm not liking the way my arms are starting to look. You have motivated me to start changing it. Thanks.

Sarah Bailey said...

It looks like you have found a really good way to help you tone up - I might have to look into doing something like this!

ShanaBergsma said...

I love weights! Used to only do cardio but now I don't feel like I've worked out unless I've lifted so I fully agree with your sentiments.

LiveLoveAndAdventure said...

It's great that you found something you love that is giving you the results you want. I have not lifted weights much but really could use some arm toning. I start boot camp again next week so hopefully that gives me the results I want. Great job, thanks for the motivation.

Jp said...

Wow! You look amazing. It would be nice to get into this. Great results!

Unknown said...

It's better to have an exercise routine to balance everything out. You look amazing by the way, you did a great job.

The Super Mom Life said...

I haven't tried lifting weights because I'm afraid of getting too muscular, but I do need to try something to lose weight and fat.

Unknown said...

Nice post, I would like to request you to one more post about that Keep it up

Unknown said...

i used to weight lifts before pregnancy and i really miss the gym. Hope i can start again.

Tara said...

I love lifting weights, when I actually do it. I definitely need to make time for exercising. I love doing Turbojam/Turbofire from home. You are looking great.

Christiana said...

Oh yes, I will definitely start simple weight lifting, your arm look amazing really and that has inspired me to start simple weightlifting.I really hate flabby arms so the earlier,the better.

David Elliott said...

I know that weight lifting really helps with the development of your metabolism. Cardio burns the calories but the increased muscle increases the metabolism. And it's good any week.

Joanna said...

I do go to the gym quite often but I never thought of lifting weights. I usually do the class exercises, such as body combat or body pump.

Lavanda Michelle said...

What a cool post! I love that you are choosing to do this, I love hearing about people trying to better there lives. I do a bit of this as the gym as well. Thanks for sharing! :)

SveetesKapes said...

You look so fit and healthy! Weight lifting is actually a great workout regimen and it helps a great deal with core strength.

Kiwi said...

You are doing better than me. You are really taking care of yourself I am proud of you and that is so inspiring!

Samuel frodo said...

Woow, you look really healthy and fit. I do simple weight lifting, I don't look as great as you though lol, but I do agree it works wonders.

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Mom knows best