Working from home has its perks but it also has its drawbacks. I feel that working at home allows me to set my own schedule and that can be a good thing when raising kids. A drawback from working at home can be too many distractions while at the same time it can be too quiet. So a person who works at home has to be disciplined to be able to get work done. I think a person who works at home has to be creative and good at time management. I am thankful that I can raise my boys and work from home.
I received several body balms to facilitate this post.
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Taking care of me
When my last child went off to school and I decided that I would still stay home, I needed something to do so I started blogging. When I first starting blogging it was for a way for me to try out products and share healthy recipes. After a few years and a blog conference, I discovered that I could make money doing something I enjoyed. So I invested more time into my website and attended more workshops and now I write full time working from home. One of the biggest drawbacks that most have from working from home is taking care of themselves. There are days that I do not even get dressed and get out of the house. When one works outside of the home, they take time to look nice. I think most bloggers can relate to the half dressing of throwing on just a shirt for a conference call but still have pajama bottoms on. I think we stay at home bloggers also forget to take time out of our day for ourselves and that could be something as simple as a lunch break, a walk outside, or just a much-needed break. When you are at a job outside of the home, we get a lunch break or other breaks.
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So sometimes as bloggers, we put our health aside and don't do kind things to our body. We try to get everything done in too short of time or like me I procrastinate and put everything off until the last minute. Our stress level sometimes is through the roof as we try to write while our kids are making too much noise or the phone keeps ringing. Sometimes we put off the one thing that might help us with our stress and give us the energy that we need. That one thing is exercise and we tend to put it aside. We don't get the much-needed exercise that is good for our health, bodies, and minds. It is amazing how a 30-minute fast walk recharges my brain and body. After I exercise, I always feel so much more productive and I know that I am doing good for my health. I also exercise because it makes me feel good.
I don't have time for exercise
A common excuse that most people make about exercise is they don't have time or are too busy. Other excuses are the kids, it's boring, or I don't need to exercise. Well if you do not make time, then your body will eventually get sick and then you will be forced to rest. You may think you are fine now without fitness in your life but when you get older, you will start to have things like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, among other illnesses. Our bodies are made to move and when we stop, we will suffer. My father-in-law gave up walking and he lost so much strength that he could not even get up from a chair. After he started physical therapy and walking again, the difference in his health was amazing. So if you can't put aside 30 minutes a day 3 days a week for exercise, it is time to not be so busy. Don't blame the kids either as exercise is good for them too. Check out some ways that you are squeeze exercise into your day or ways that stay at home moms can exercise. If I can exercise with asthma then I challenge you to start some form of exercise.
Give exercise a chance for thirty days
I am reaching out to my fellow bloggers and other stay-at-home folks to challenge you to try working out for 30 days. If you have not exercise for a while, then start out with walking at a pace that is comfortable to you and then gradually increases the speed until you feel your heart beating. Exercise is most beneficial when you are not able to carry on a conversation when walking fast. Put on some headphones and listen to some music or grab a friend. Get out for a walk for 15-30 minutes 3-5 times a week. I challenge you to do this for a month. I know a month can seem overwhelming so start with a week, then two weeks, and so on. Keep a diary on how you feel after walking and the rest of the day. I know that I feel energized after exercise and my mood is so much better. I am able to think better after I exercise.
This challenge will not be easy but I know that you can do this as people who work from home have great willpower and determination. I admire other bloggers for their stamina for being able to work from home but it sometimes saddens me to see other bloggers/stay-at-home people not taking time for their health. You deserve to be healthy and feel good. Did you know that a good workout is great for stress relief and can help with things like anxiety and depression? Did you know that fitness can help your body fight germs better so you get sick less? Think about the last time you listened to some music and moved to the beat. You were putting your body in motion and I bet it felt good. Do you like dancing? That is a great way to get some exercise as well as these great forms of exercises.
No pain no gain
Exercise does not have to be painful to reap the benefits. If you experience blisters on your feet or chaffing from sweating or skin rubbing then you need to try some amazing body balms that I just discovered. These body balms are made to solve your pain, chafing, and blister problems. I got to sample the Foot Anti-blister balm, the Relief Muscle pain balm, and the Her Anti-chafe & moisturizing balm. There are other body balms that Body Glide makes but these are the ones that I needed to help me with my exercise issues.
In the summer, I tend to sweat more so I have chaffing issues around my arms near my armpits. So the vitamin-enriched Her formula helped with irritation issues. I was able to run and not have the sweat get into my raw skin as this natural ingredient product gave my skin a barrier that kept it moist. I did not have any blisters on my feet but I used the Foot balm on my dry cracked heels, an issue that I have in the dry summer weather.
I really like that these body balms are made with natural ingredients like coconut oil and apricot kernel oil. The Relief balm is my favorite as it has been helping my sore muscles after I finish running my hills. I enjoy running and sometimes over-train. So the Menthol and Camphor from the Relief balm feels good and cools my muscles. I think the Relief balm would be good for my mom's arthritis that she gets on her hands.
So will you do something good for you and take the fitness challenge?
You are absolutely amazing! I'm finally getting back into fitness and eating healthy and it is WORK. Thanks so much for sharing!
Your blog post falls to me because I was just deciding to get back in shape for the coming year!
I think this is a great idea. I feel like almost every self-employed person should get in on this. I work for myself, and I never take the time to exercise the way I should.
You make some really good points. I think anyone will start seeing some improvements after those thirty days and will want to keep at it!
Making time to get some exercise is so important. Especially for those of us who spend a lot of day sitting.
I think working from home is a blessing and a curse sometimes! Things like social media make for a lonely life. Some days, I don't even brush my hair sadly.
I don't exercise enough and I have to really get started on it. I have to actually schedule it into my day for me to do it, so perhaps I'll pencil it in my agenda from now on!
Much respect for getting your workouts done at home! I know it can be frustrating doing it at home, although I know some people would rather work out at home.
Yes, staying in shape is something that keeps us healthy overall and in balance. Wish I had that balm when I was moving. Looks wonderful and so useful.
Way to go! I just recently committed to my work out. I go as soon as I drop my son off at school
I think it's so important to stay fit and healthy. I know I need to work on it a little more too. I need some of that relief balm myself.
It's so easy to make excuses, but you're right. If you can't find the time for a little fitness every day, your health will suffer in the long run. I walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes every morning to keep my body moving. I definitely need to try some of these balms though. They sound great!
I work from home and I don't exercise enough. I have noticed that my health has been affected.
This post is very encouraging. I used to use my treadmill more but I have been slacking. I also need to check out these balms.
I always try to get up and take a short walk outside or do some physical chores to keep myself moving throughout the day, great tips!
Tara, I love your tips and ways you present them. Awesome fitness challenge for all of us.
Planning is easy. Sticking to that plan is what's difficult. It takes a lot of self discipline to keep going.
Body balms are new for me. I definitely need to try them! Sounds to be exactly what I need!
This is really inspiring! I hope I could get back to my exercise routine soon.
Sometimes it's difficult to balance work and health. I adore those who makes it work. You look pretty fit and healthy. has been three years since I have said that I will work out but have never done so haha Even my morning stretching for my back is sometimes neglected.
You're right, bloggers forget themselves in blogging but I try my best to take care of myself. I'll check for balm as it seems that they are good in relaxing muscles.
I completely agree that working from home as a blogger causes me to forget about really taking care of myself. I am trying to schedule time in for self care and working out, but every now and then.. I just ignore the alarm. LOL I've never heard of these balms before. I will definitely have to try them out soon.
This reminds me of the excuses I've told myself several times. There's always room for personal growth and improving on your health.
I'm a fan of balms, both for areas that rub like my thighs and just for some shoes like my sandals. I have an elliptical at home so I can work out without having to leave the house (going out to the gym never works for me), and I recently got a neat little bike pedal thing that you can put under the table. This way I can get some exercise while still working on the computer on the days that I have so much work to do.
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