Don't let the cold winter weather get in the way of your fitness routine
The recent Covid-19 pandemic has helped people make healthy changes and that is a big positive thing. People are realizing the importance of a healthy body and how it can help their body fight off germs better. So many people are getting outside for exercise. Since March I have seen more people in my neighborhood outside enjoying walks or running and I love it! People are enjoying the fresh air and making an effort to keep their bodies healthy.
Maybe the reason more people are exercising outdoors may have to do with the gym closures or the fact of having to wear a face mask while exercising. Maybe people have discovered that outdoor fitness is better than indoor fitness. Whatever the reason is, I am hoping that the cold winter weather will not discourage you from getting that daily exercise. Fitness in the winter may be a challenge but with a few simple tips and some fitness products, you got this. You will discover that you can continue your fitness routine throughout the winter, whether you choose to workout inside or brave the cold for outdoor exercise.
It is all about adapting to new routines
Having raised five kids and being a stay at home parent, I have learned how to make time for fitness. I simply made a choice to make exercise a priority in my day just like brushing my teeth. Sure there were days that I did not feel like lacing up my shoes and going for a walk but when I forced myself to exercise, I always felt better afterward. These best workout tips for stay at home moms helped me realized that I could exercise and be a healthy role model for my kids.
Then when I developed asthma several years ago, I again had to make changes in how I exercised. I did not let my asthma symptoms be an excuse for not exercising but rather I knew that exercise would help me manage asthma symptoms naturally without medication. Exercising with asthma means having to workout inside when the air quality is bad. At 55 I look and feel great because I choose to start my day with 30 minutes of exercise.
Exercise will help keep the winter blues away
Winter is not the time to stop that exercise routine, in fact, exercise is even more important in the winter. The cold winter days that are dark and dreary tend to make us feel depressed so exercise can help your mood and body. So don't make excuses or put off a sweaty workout until the time is right.
Create a home gym
When the weather is cold outside and I can not get outside for a run, I am thankful that I can workout inside and not have to head to the gym. Now before you say, "my house is too small or I have to take care of the kids", I am here to show you that you don't need much space to exercise at home. Kids love moving and exercise is good for kids. So invite the kids to exercise with you. A few simple items are all you need to be able to exercise at home.
+ Footwear ~ I have a pair of gym shoes that are strictly for indoor exercise. That way I can keep my floors clean when I workout. I like to include running in place and jumping in my workouts for a HIIT session so supporting my feet is always good. If you are doing a low impact fitness routine or strength training exercises, then ditching your shoes can be beneficial. There are many benefits to barefoot training and one of them may be fixing foot issues.
Pedestal Footwear will help your body from the ground up. These are the best grip socks for your indoor workout. The comfortable socks can help with your overall balance and stability. I love how they help me grip my feet when I am lifting weights.
+ Music ~ Listening to music always helps me when working out. A fast past song helps me to get my heart rate up and puts me in a better mood so I workout longer. Since I am working out while the kids are attending virtual school and the husband is on the phone, I use my headphones and iPod device.
+ Smarter strength resistance bands ~ At home strength training does not have to mean expensive heavy weights that take up way too much space. With ez mini bands you get 20lbs, 35lbs, and 50lbs of resistance that can help you get strong muscles. These unique bands are adjustable and stretchy strength training bands that don't have the problems that vinyl resistance bands have. Say goodbye to catastrophic band breakage and hello to a better band. Ez mini bands are made to last with durable woven polyester/latex fabric, military-grade stitching, and a heavy-duty molded plastic buckle.
+ Home Exercise Kit ~ Whether you are just starting a fitness plan or you are a fitness buff, having a home exercise kit is always a good thing for at-home exercise. The Emerging Green home exercise kit comes with an Ab Roller, kneeling mat, resistance band, jump rope, and push up bar. So you can get both your cardio and strength exercises all done from the comfort of your home. If you have no space to jump rope inside, pull the car out of the garage for a great indoor workout space.
+ Find a small space ~ Back to the space issue for an indoor workout. I am able to do my exercise in my small office or the front hallway. I just need a small space to dance or do cardio exercises like marching in place. I also like using the stairs for awesome cardio exercise. At home strength and muscle exercises also don't require a big space. Using kettlebells, resistance bands, and even a detergent bottle filled with sand can help build strong muscles in a small space. You can even use your body to do push-ups.
Online exercise classes
When the weather is cold and windy, I love to turn to my computer for exercise inspiration. My favorite place for online exercise classes is Silver & Fit. The Silver&Fit® Program may be an exercise and healthy aging program for older adults but I love that these online classes are for all levels of fitness, from beginners to advance fitness. So even I can get a good workout in. Silver & Fit knows that exercise will improve your quality of life can be fun. So don't let your age be an excuse for not exercising. Instead, celebrate that you can still be active no matter how old you are. It is never too late to start an exercise program.
Bundle up and get outside
Don't let the cold and snow discourage you from getting outside for healthy exercise. Just dress in layers so you can take them off as you warm up. I like to wear leggings, a tank top, and a long sleeve shirt along with gloves and a headband when I run outside in the winter. That way if I get too hot, I can roll up my sleeves and take off my gloves. Don't forget to apply sunscreen as the sun can still damage your skin in the winter. There are 5 good reasons to wear a mineral-based sunscreen in the winter. Also, make sure to protect your eyes from the damaging rays of the sun with a quality pair of sunglasses. Tomahawk makes stylish sunglasses at affordable prices and they offer 400UV protection. So I decided to upgrade my eye protection for sunglasses that I know will keep my vision safe and healthy. I really like how comfortable my new shades are for running.
You can even enjoy a walk in the snow when you wear boots that are made for athletics and cold weather. That is when you wear the most comfortable boots ever. I discovered some winter boots that are so comfortable to walk in and I wear them even when there is no snow on the ground.
The Luna boots that I have are perfect for those with foot problems like plantar fasciitis, heel pain. bone spurs, fallen arches, and more. These boots are perfect for the winter as they are warm and durable. They are also so easy to put on and take off. I will be wearing these boots as I work outside preparing my garden for spring. Gardening is a great way to get some healthy exercise. Use the wintertime to start preparing the area that you will be planting a garden.
I am converting an area in my yard that was the kid's play area into my future garden. This area has a swingset that I will be incorporating into my garden. I will use some rope and the swingset so I can grow plants like cucumbers and others that need support. That means I will have to clear away gravel and make the edging. I will also have to get some new dirt and keep working on my compost pile.
So don't let winter get in the way of your healthy body. Whether you choose to exercise indoors or outdoors is your choice. Just make the choice to be good to your body and give it some heart-healthy exercise. Our bodies were made to move. Exercise is not just about having a nice looking body but rather a healthy body. Exercise is about feeling good both mind and body. If you need some ideas for exercise check out these best exercises to stay in shape. Some people may call me skinny but I don't look at my body that way. I look at my body as a strong machine.
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Indeed in winter it is difficult to continue with the workout routine and keep fit, but with the right tools it is like having a small gym at home!
These are some great ideas. I admit, I don't like to work out much, but I try to get my jog done in the mornings so it's done and I won't have to worry about it.
Thanks for these great indoor workout suggestions. Even though it's warm where I live, gyms are closed so I totally need this
I love being able to do workouts right from my home. I have some exercise equipment in our basement that we consider our workout room. I can't wait to add more stuff to it. I love using the treadmill a lot myself.
Thanks for these tips! I just bought some weights to workout indoors with!
I need to start exercising more. I know when I used to do it more I would feel rejuvenated and ready for the day. It can get mighty cold here in Canada so I'm more than happy to move my workout indoors. Thanks for the ideas.
I couldn't agree more. People in my area too, appreciated home workout and they began to be creative on using different things that can be found at home as a workout gear.
It is definitely more challenging to continue workouts throughout the winter months. It gets darker earlier and the holiday months are on their way. This is a great list of helpful tips to continue with home workouts. I know we will miss out family walks during the colder months.
Music can definitely make a workout more fun! Anything to get you moving!
These are great ideas! I wish my house was bigger so I could buy a treadmill.
Great options and products to support you on your fitness path. I need to use my resistance bands more.
I admire you for being very disciplined in your fitness routines. That's the reason why you still look so healthy even at 55.
Thanks for the kind words. It no longer feels like discipline as I enjoy exercise
Same here. I was thinking getting a treadmill and placing it in the garage so my husband word exercise but they are on backorder at almost every store
All amazing ideas, I confess that since the pandemic I have not exercised as I should and I have eaten quite a lot more than I should and your post have just given me the extra push to start again. Love the outdoors socks.
I've always felt more comfortable exercising at home rather than at a gym.
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