>U Mom Knows Best: I Am Ready For Summer With A Cute Pink Tank Top From Apparel n Bags

I Am Ready For Summer With A Cute Pink Tank Top From Apparel n Bags

   The weather is finally warm here in Albuquerque, New Mexico and I am excited that I can wear my new summer clothes. We have had unusually cold weather this year. It usually gets warm enough for shorts in March but this year I had to wait until the end of May to start wearing shorts. It was 75 degrees today and will be 80 degrees the rest of the week. I love warm weather as I love wearing shorts and tank tops. I just love this new pink tank top that I am wearing in this picture.

   My new pink tank top came from a online store called Apparel n Bags. I just love shopping online and this store makes it easy. Apparel n Bags sells a wide variety of clothes for men, women, boys, girls, and even infants. They also sell work wear clothing, headbands and bags. They have a wide selection of clothes at good prices. I love that most all of their clothes come in a wide variety of colors and sizes. The pink tank top that I chose comes in 7 colors and it was hard for me to decided what color I wanted. The cool thing is their prices are so good that I can buy more than one top. They also give volume discounts on some of their items so when you buy more the price goes down. This would be great for sport teams and groups that want to do t-shirts for an event. 

Apparel n Bags  sells name brand items like Hanes, Champion, Nike, District Made, and Gildan to name a few. I love how easy it is to shop on their website. They have many categories to choose from at the top of the page like men, women, boys, girls and so on. When you click on a category it then narrows your selection to type of clothing like shirts, pants, shorts, etc. If you have a brand in mind, you can even start your shopping with that in mind. I love when you look at a item that you are able to see many different pictures that show the front, back and side. The pictures show real people wearing the clothes. You can also change the color of the item too.

   Now back to my cute pink tank top. This top is made by District Made and is 100% combed cotton. It is light weight and so soft. My pink tank top comes in 7 colors and in sizes from XS all the way to 4XL. Click on the below link to see what other colors this tank top comes in. While you are there be sure to browse at all their other clothes as I am sure you will find something to fall in love with.

"These opinions are my own and I was sent the above mentioned product in exchange for a review."


Terri Patillo said...

Love the shirt! Bright Pink and oh, so chic! But there is no way in Hades that you are a day over 30!

Yona Williams said...

That is a really nice shade of pink for a tank. Looks really good on you!

Maria said...

Looks so comfy and the perfect shade of summer pink!

Susan said...

Tara, you look great! I am going to check out Apparel n Bags -- their stuff looks really nice.

Ellen said...

Very cute. I love that color on you!

Jamie said...

What a beautiful color!!! Lucky that you're a great model, too! :)

Unknown said...

This is so cute! In the summer I am all about tank tops!! I definitely would wear it!

Samuel said...

I also like to wear t-shirts in the summer, I have a large selection of them. Last month, my husband bought me some more with funny labels from this store. Now I wear them at home all the time

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Mom knows best