>U Mom Knows Best: Teach Your Children About Space With Space Scouts Summer Adventure Program

Teach Your Children About Space With Space Scouts Summer Adventure Program

     Summer vacation is here! The kids are out of school and having fun playing all day. Summer does not mean learning has to come to a halt. Studies show that kids not engaged in learning activities during the summer break experience measurable learning loss. Kids get bored during the summer and want to keep learning. Learning does not mean boring books and lessons but fun activities that get the kids engaged. They won't even realize they are learning. This summer my boys are going to learn about space through hands on adventures and a trip to the planetarium.

   I am going to teach my boys about space with the Space Scouts Summer Adventure Program. We received our materials the other day and the boys are excited to explore them. They keep asking me "mom when can we play with the space things?" I received the items for the first two weeks of the 12 week program.

Week One

                                                              Week two

        The Space Scouts Summer Adventure Program is a 12 week learning adventure, for kids ages 6-9, that will teach your child about the wonders of the universe. My boys had been learning about the planets in school so this program is perfect for them. Every week my boys will receive a new box in the mail, they love getting mail. The activity box will contain materials and fun items so my boys can explore a new place in space and learn about space exploration, space science, and astronomy. These learning adventures will help spark their interest in science and technology. I love that each week of learning builds upon the previous. I also love that we have a planetarium in town that we can visit to further enhance their space learning.

Here is the list of exciting materials that are included in the first 2 packages:

The Week #1 package is the Intro/Setup Box 

(1) Introduction to the Space Scouts Program
(2) Space Scouts Lunchbox
(3) Space Scouts Solar System Poster
(4) Space Scouts Activity Sheet
(5) Space Scouts Sticker Scramble
(6) Space Scouts Souvenir Toy
(7) Space Scouts Constellation Card Start-up Kit (Ring & Cover)
(8) Introduction to Space Scouts Constellation Cards

Week  #2 brings these items

(1) Space Scouts Exploration Plan
(2) Space Scouts Magnet (to add to the magnetic lunchbox)
(3) Space Scouts Sticker (to add to the solar system poster)
(4) Space Scouts Activity Sheet
(5) Space Scouts Sticker Scramble
(6) Space Scouts Souvenir Toy
(7) Space Scout Constellation Card (to add to the Constellation Card collection)
(8) Space Scouts Constellation Card Activity Sheet

I love that most all of the learning items fit into the week #1 lunchbox, except the Souvenir toy, so you can keep everything organized. 

     So don't let the learning end with summer vacation. Teach your child about space with fun learning activities and hands on materials.Your child will love receiving a new box every week. To order the Space Scouts Summer Adventure Program, click on the below link and let the fun begin.

What planet does your child know the name of? Do they have a favorite planet?

"These opinions are my own and I was sent the above mentioned product in exchange for a review."


Jamie said...

How fun!! That would be great to take with us camping and have some learning time while away. Love the items inside!! :)

Yona Williams said...

I love the items they include with each week. The astronaut figurines look like a lot ofo fun.

Makeba Giles said...

Now this looks and sounds like a lot of fun! I may have to check this out for my kids - I know they would love it!

Unknown said...

This is really neat. It's a great way for kids to be education during the summer yet still have some fun.

Unknown said...

This is awesome! Looks like so much fun especially if they are into science/space stuff! My cousin definitely is. Thanks for sharing!!

Terri Patillo said...

How fun! Wish I'd had this when my girls were young.

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Mom knows best