>U Mom Knows Best: Saving Money Can Be Easy

Saving Money Can Be Easy

This post was in partnership with searchRx.  All opinions are 100% mine.

 Saving money can be hard for most folks. For me saving money is easy as I enjoy the thrill of saving money. I am going to share some ways that I save money. Most people think that saving a couple dollars on an item is not worth their time but they are so wrong as those little savings add up quickly. Let's take, for example, that morning cup of coffee that most people enjoy on the way to work. For most people that cup of coffee costs $5.00 or more, I am not sure as I have not bought coffee at a coffee place in a while. So that coffee may only cost $5.00 but for a week it costs $25.00 and for a month $100.00 That coffee then adds up to $1,200 a year. See how quickly that small amount added it up?  You can save lots of money making your coffee at home.My husband has a programmable coffee maker and his coffee is ready for him when he wakes up. Now, don't tell me that you don't have time as standing in line or that drive thru takes at least five minutes or more. Other daily spending items that add up fast are going out to eat and buying sodas. When my husband goes out for lunch it usually costs $10.00 so that could add up to $200.00 a month or more. He will instead pack a lunch four days a week and eat out once a week so that is a savings of $160 a month and $1,920 a year. The money that we save on coffee and eating lunch out adds up to a nice vacation.

 Not ready to give up that morning coffee out? Then look at other items like gym memberships and cable, do you really watch all those channels? I don't go to the gym as I enjoy running outside. Another way to enjoy TV and get a lot of variety is through a Smart TV, Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Roku. We recently bought a Smart TV and have Amazon Prime. For $10 a month, my family has plenty to watch on TV. Turning down the heat and putting on sweater can save you money as well as turning off lights when not in use. The heat tends to dry out my skin so I would rather put on a sweater than have dry itchy skin. My husband is also able to take the bus to work so we save at least $150 on gas and parking. He actually enjoys the bus ride as he doesn't have to deal with traffic. Sometimes writing down all your expenses for the month can help you see ways to save money. Once you see how much you are spending, you might just be motivated to save money.

     My most simple way to save money is on prescriptions. I discovered a simple way to save money on prescriptions. Through a simple app on my smartphone called SearchRx, I am able to quickly compare drug prices and save $50.00 a month on medications for my family. SearchRx is free and easy-to-use service that allows anyone to save up to 75% on their prescriptions, regardless of their coverage status. I just search for the name of the drug on my phone or computer and I can see the prices for that drug at many pharmacies near me. On their website or through their free APP, you’ll see the names and addresses of your local pharmacies displayed as well as the current prices for the medication you typed in. Once I find the price that I like I just go to that pharmacy and show them my SearchRx coupon to receive the discounted price. SearchRx is even accepted at 62,196 pharmacies including all of the major chains.

Go to the below links to download the SearchRx App.

How does it work?
It's simple: Search. Find. Save.

   Search the database and pharmacy price checker for the lowest discounted prices on over 50,000 prescription drugs. SearchRx relationship with a leading pharmacy benefit manager gives them access to the best-discounted prescription prices, and they pass them on to you for great savings.


   The price of prescription medications can vary greatly - even between pharmacies in the same chain. They give you access to their pricing, so you can find and compare the best pharmacy prices near you. They work with nearly every pharmacy in America, so you'll always know you're getting the best deal in town. 

  Once you've found your best local pharmacy price, saving is easy. Simply print out, email, or receive your prescription coupon by text message, then present this coupon to your pharmacist when you check out. The codes on your drug coupon will be entered by the pharmacist to access our group rate prices. It's really that easy!

Did you know that the average family spends over $1300 a year on filling their prescriptions? 

Saving money with SearchRx is an easy way to save money and you don't have to give up your morning coffee. Find out more about this easy free way to save money on prescriptions by visiting the below link. There is even a short video on the website that explains the program more.



Sylvia F. said...

Great tips, thanks for sharing! I'm saving up for a house so will definitely keep those in mind from now on.

Unknown said...

Saving money never looks so easy!! Thank you for sharing these fantastic tips, I love them!

AiringMyLaundry said...

This is fantastic! I do love to save money, that's for sure. I will keep this in mind the next time I need meds.

Elizabeth O. said...

I love being able to save money especially since there are other things that you can use it for, like traveling or for emergencies. I think these are all awesome ideas. That app sounds so useful!

Karlyn Cruz said...

I've heard this a few times and I think it is really helpful. Many people will benefit from this.

Victoria Heckstall said...

This is an awesome way to save some money. There are ways to save some money like this :)

Sarah Bailey said...

I will save up as long as I can. Being practical in some of the expenses can help me save for my emergency funds and it was a big help actually. I will definitely try this app and save on my prescription medicines.

MaryAnne said...

This is such a great idea to save money! I will share this info, soo useful!

Wendy Polisi said...

What a brilliant idea! This is will help a lot of people who really love to save! Will check it out.

GiGi Eats Celebrities said...

It always feels so good when I can save money!! Coupons, check out codes, etc - :D!

Nikki said...

These are great tips! I love any app that helps me save money. You're right, too, the little things really do add up. We spend way too much on random stuff.

Hra karidi said...

Awesome tips!! Now saving money seems so easy :-) Thanks for sharing with us :-)

Unknown said...

Great savings tips, I love to save money any way possible.

Cynthia Nicoletti said...

I have looked into SearchRX. It does save a lot of money. I called my pharmacy and compared the prices to the online price and it beat the price by a lot. I highly recommend Search RX/

A Cold Cup of Chloe said...

I love any tips that will save me money! I haven't heard of this one before, so thank-you for sharing!!

Unknown said...

I'm always looking for easy ways to save money. Thanks for sharing this.

Unknown said...

These are great tips! I love doing things to save money. My favorite is the cartwheel app for Target. I'm basically obsessed with it. I've saved over $650! :)

Coralie said...

We just went through our budget and looked for ways to save money but I didn't even think about prescriptions! Thanks for the tip. We will try that.

Vicky said...

Great tips, but not useful to me. Not applicable to where I live.

Unknown said...

What a fun way to save money! I'll check this app up for sure to save on my prescription meds.

Buzz4Mommies said...

I find saving money to be a thrill too! This sounds like a terrific app!!

Unknown said...

How I wish I can apply these tips but sadly this is not applicable in my country.

Unknown said...

I really love saving money but sometimes I had a hard time, Glad you share this It really help me to save money

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Mom knows best