>U Mom Knows Best: Back To School Time Tips for High School Seniors

Back To School Time Tips for High School Seniors

“Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.” – Dr. Seuss from “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”

   Sponsored post: I received compensation from Groza Learning Center to facilitate this post.

  It is hard to believe that my middle son is going to be a senior this year. Time flies by so fast. This is my third time around with a senior in the house so I have learned plenty about helping them prepare for that last year of school. Even though most of the prep for college has happened in his junior year there is still plenty for my son to do. I am so thankful for the teachers who are helping my son to prepare him for what needs to be done in his senior year. I am also glad my son is very independent and will do all this work that is needed. With two younger kids at home, I don't have time, nor the desire to be a helicopter parent.

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” – Milton Berle

 My son wants to attend the Navy Academy but also has other plans in place if he doesn't get in. I know my son has a good chance to get into the academy based on his grades. Proud mama brag time: My son is #1 one in his graduating class!  The competition is tough though so grades alone does not mean he will get into the academy. Now of days academy and colleges want to see a well-rounded student who also is into sports and other school activities. Even then, sometimes even that is not enough but it sure does help. I am glad my son has a portfolio that has many JRROTC and sports events in it as well as volunteer hours.

 Yes, you read that right, a senior needs to have a portfolio 
 A portfolio is very needed for all those college and scholarship applications.  Most people think that your junior year is the best time to fill out all those scholarship applications but there are still plenty to fill out in your senior year.

Take the ACT and SAT tests
 A senior can still take the ACT and SAT tests in their first semester of senior year. My son already took the test twice in his junior year but wants to try one more time to see if he can get a better score. A better score can mean getting into the academy or college of his choice. It can also get him some scholarship money.

Keep the grades up
 Most people tend to slide when it comes to grades in their senior year. That is a big mistake as colleges are still looking at those transcripts. My daughter was neck to neck with several people in her senior year when it came to grades. She became her high school valedictorian because the number one student got a D in a class.

Keep applying for scholarships
There are plenty of scholarships still out there. You can never apply to too much scholarship money. My daughter had a full ride scholarship when she went to college and the scholarship money that went to the college helped pay for her books.

It is never too late to get better grades
 Good grades in your senior year can still help you get into college. There are plenty of prep places and Learning Centers that can help seniors prepare for college.

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill

Have fun
Enjoy your last year of high school. School does not have to be all work and no fun but the smart person is able to balance work and fun. Some kids like to attend the senior prom and while for others it just may not be for them. My son's JRROTC unit has a big ball every year to celebrate their hard work. It brings me such joy to see these high school kids dress up in long gowns and fancy uniforms. It will be bitter sweet to see my son attend this ball and then graduate. My youngest are nine and ten so it will be a while until they graduate from high school.

Do you have any tips for high school seniors?


Sarah Bailey said...

Our high school is a bit different over here I think, but I didn't partake in my last year either way as I wasn't so well, but I'm sure for everyone it is such a big year with so much change going on.

Parenting Patch said...

Do not think of senior year as a party year. Senior year might be one of the most important years of high school.

Claudia Krusch said...

I was lucky and my Son got really serious about his marks senior year. He had some great class trips and ended up getting into the same college as a few of his close classmates.

Unknown said...

Congrats to your son on his grades!! I would be proud of him too! Don't worry mama - you still have one more son to go before you are close to empty nesting it!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness this made me realize how many years it has been since my senior year! Congrats to your son!!

Unknown said...

My Oldest is going into 5th grade this year, i am terrified of middle school much less the final year of highschool! It sure looks like your have raised an amazing young man though!

Farrah Less G said...

High School going to College is the most challenging yet the fun years of your life in school. You've raised an amazing kids.

Kate | Highlights Along The Way said...

These are really great tips! Congrats to your son for this good grades! Would love to discuss these with my kids. :)

Unknown said...

These are great tips. Thankfully I still have 9 years before my oldest is a senior. Although I know that will be here way too soon.

Echo aka The Mad Mommy said...

These are great tips! I can't believe that time goes so fast. My boy is starting middle school!

Lee said...

I really love that quote by Milton Berle, “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” It's sooo true. I think that if we teach our children that mindset, they will go far and succeed at whatever they put their mind to. And you deserve to brag, the fact that your son is #1 in his graduating class speaks volumes of the type of mom you are...congrats on a job well done!

Passions of a SAHM said...

"If the opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." In order for us to achieve something, we must work hard and smart for it. The "door" refers to the effort we exert in order for that certain goal to come into reality. (Francis Angelito)

PR Daily PH said...

Congrats to your son, he will surely get in the Navy Academy! Goodluck!

Rebecca Swenor said...

The senior year of high school is one of the best times in your life but it is also the busiest I believe. It really is important to take the ACT and SAT tests in order to get into college. I had taken mine my junior year just in case I didn't get a good score. Thanks for sharing these awesome tips for going back to school for the seniors.

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Mom knows best