>U Mom Knows Best: My Review of The OPOVE M3 Pro Max Massage Gun

My Review of The OPOVE M3 Pro Max Massage Gun

If you're an athlete, chances are high that you have experienced sore muscles. Meet the Opove M3 Pro Max Massage Gun, the best way to treat those muscles.

I received a OPOVE M3 to facilitate this post

 It was the summer of 2019 and I was attending a fitness conference in California. All that exercise from trying out the latest fitness machines and walking from the hotel to the expo hall left me with some sore calf muscles. Then throw in the walking up and down the stairs because who takes the elevator at a fitness conference? My calf muscles were screaming with pain and I started to regret the fun that I had on the newest elliptical machine. Just kidding on the regrets as I love a good workout and I still had many more fitness products to check out. 

 As I walked the floors of the expo hall, a man welcomed me to try a massage gun. At first, I was hesitant to stop at the booth that was showcasing this unique muscle massager device as I am one who does not like massages. The sales rep asked me if I had sore muscles and I remembered that the muscles in my calves were sore. So I decided to try a massage gun.

A powerful device for sore muscles

 If you're an athlete, chances are high you have experienced sore muscles. Chances are that those sore muscles were annoying or downright painful, especially after a day of squats that make using the bathroom awkward. So you reach for that tube of muscle cream which makes your skin cold or hot. Next time reach for the Opove M3 Pro Max Massage Gun and get better pain relief for those achy muscles.

 Massage guns are a must-have fitness product that you need to have if you are looking for an excellent way to relieve muscle pain and soreness from exercise. This muscle massager is for anyone who exercises. Whether you are new to fitness, workout at the gym, or are a serious athlete, this massage gun is an awesome recovery tool for your muscles.

OPOVE M3 Pro Decent is a go-to recovery tool, it is easy to use and good to relieve muscle chronic pain and soreness. 

Natural Ways to Treat Muscle Pain From Exercise

So easy to use on all my muscles

 I have had my share of sore muscles and have tried many different products to get pain relief. From smelly muscle creams to muscle stimulators, I have tried many muscle pain reliever products. While I do love my CBD for pain relief, these just numb the muscle instead of treating the muscle. The pain in my muscle always returns once the pain cream wears off. I wish there was a better way to stimulate my muscles to manage my pain. I was happy to try the OPOVE M3 Pro Max Massage Gun to see how it could help my muscles feel better after an intense workout. What I liked best about the OPOVE deep tissue percussion massage gun is how easy it is to use.

 Once this deep tissue massaging device is charged, it is ready to use. There are no sticky pads to apply to my muscles. I just open up the OPOVE carry case and pull out my massage gun. Then I select from 5 unique applicators and place one into the gun for massaging my muscles. This powerful device looks heavy but it is lightweight. One switch is all it takes to turn the muscle recovery device on.

 I like that the OPOVE M3 Pro Max handheld massage gun has 4 speeds so I can select the one that is best for my muscle needs. This powerful muscle machine works up to 4 hours after it is charged. So it is ready to use after my workouts or anytime that I need some muscle repairing. My favorite way to use the OPOVE M3 Pro Max is on my Achilles tendon. Many years ago, I injured my Achilles tendon and it still gives me problems once in a while. I find that regularly massaging my ankle muscle keeps my Achilles tendon happy and pain-free.

Save $40 on OPOVE M3 Pro Max Massage Gun


+ OPOVE M3 Pro Max massage gun is a go-to self-myofascial recovery tool, it is easy to use and good to relieve muscle pain and soreness for athletes and workout in the gym

+ It is 15mm amplitude with max 50 lbs stall force; Working noise is only 45dB - 63dB through 4 speeds MAX 3,300 percussions per minutes

+ OPOVE comes with a rechargeable battery and works up to 4 hours of use per full charge

+ 5 Applicators for relaxing and massage in different areas; Manual & auto mode meets your different massage requirements

+ Lightweight 2.3lbs, ergonomic design, and easy-to-use for self-myofascial release. Comes with a protective carrying case

How Does the OPOVE work?

 This unique muscle stimulator feels like an intense massage from a person pounding your back with their fists. The applicators move in a quick in and out motion. I like to think of this muscle massage device like how one would tenderize a piece of meat with a mallet. A piece of meat is just muscle from an animal so I like this description. So the OPOVE gives your muscles a nice deep massage. 

Watch this video to see how the at-home massage device works. 

Save $40 on OPOVE M3 Pro Massage Gun-Black

11 Tips To Avoid Injuries While Exercising

Makes my calf muscles happy

 The cold weather has forced me to exercise indoors this past week. Changing my workout routine always gives me sore muscles as I am using different muscles. A morning fitness of going up and down the stairs in my house leads to sore muscles in my calves. So after my workout, I put the OPOVE M3 Pro Max massage gun to the test. This massage gun gave my muscles a deep muscle massage and instant pain relief. 

Designed to help you recover from workouts and is a normal part of my routine 

Wonderful back and neck massages

 Even my husband likes the OPOVE M3 Pro massage gun. After a long day of working from home on the living room couch, instead of the desk at his office, my husband often complains about a sore back and a stiff neck. So I let my husband try the OPOVE muscle massager on his neck and back. My husband loved the power of this device as the OPOVE pounded on his sore muscles. The OPOVE massage gun makes it so easy to give my husband a back rub and does not give me sore hands. 

Save $40 on OPOVE M3 Pro Max Massage Gun


melissa said...

I exercise almost every day and when I begin running I am always very sore. I have to massage those sore calves and this device seems like the perfect tool.

AiringMyLaundry said...

I am sure I will love this! I could use a massage on many parts of my body.

Sarah Bailey said...

I've recently started hearing more about these massage guns, I thought they would be something so hard and would hurt you but I've had people say they can help with chronic pain too!

Tammy said...

I was wondering how these worked. I know I could use this on my husbands back. Thanks for sharing.

Celebrate Woman said...

I am doing my own self-massage for myofascial release. But I wonder how gentle this massage is.

Monica Simpson said...

Oh I would love this for my back and my hamstrings!

Kita Bryant said...

I love using massage guns. They are so effect and feel fantastic.

Nikki Wayne said...

My family loves using massage guns. Thanks for suggesting this brand.

Rose Ann Sales said...

So timely. I'm currently looking for something like this. Thanks for recommending.

Ryan Escat said...

It looks durable. And massage device like this is helpful after a whole day of hard work.

Josh Mckenkey said...

I am starting to my exercise routine and this looks a perfect equipment.

Gervin Khan said...

Such a perfect device to use after workout, will definitely get one for me.

Gust si Aroma said...

I saw some of these massage guns around and I was curious how it works. Thanks for sharing your opinion with us!

Jenn @ EngineerMOmmy said...

I've been thnking of getting a massage gun. This sounds like a great option!

Bri said...

This thing intrigues me! I am ALWAYS sore! I might try this!

Wanda Lopez said...

I have seen them around social media, but hadn't stopped to read about them. I may give it a try some day.

blosumcbd said...

Recently, I started to hear about these massage guns and started thinking about purchasing one. After I start my daily run, I usually have problems with my muscles. Previously, I could simply massage my muscles on my own, but it seems to me that now this will not be such an effective remedy. Even though muscles become weaker with age, I understand that they need more care. But on the other hand, it seems to me that I can overdo it, and vice versa, even harm muscles. For example, from too much pressure or improper action on a certain muscle.

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