>U Mom Knows Best: How I softened My Ugly Hard Dried Feet With Baby Foot

How I softened My Ugly Hard Dried Feet With Baby Foot

Sponsored post: I received a sample of Baby Foot to facilitate this post.

 For as long I can remember, I have had these ugly feet. My feet have always have had hard dried skin on them. My heels are the worse as the have all this dried dead skin on them. My husband likes to compare my feet to sandpaper. I have tried every foot cream and soaks on the market and my feet remain the same. There are times my feet are so dried that my heels have cracks on them that hurt and make walking painful. I have tried many foot tools that don't seem to help my feet. So when this company reached out to me and asked me to try their exfoliant foot peel, I agreed to give it a chance. I did not expect much from Baby Foot but I gave it a chance.

The Baby Foot was easy to use. All I had to do was place these cool looking booties on my feet for an hour. The booties contained natural extracts, along with other ingredients in them that would help peel the dead hard skin off my feet. After I wore the booties and washed off the gel, the box said it could take 5-7 days before I could see any results. So I waited and after five days my feet looked the same and I thought that this foot peel was just like all the other foot products that did not work. So I forgot all about my feet until day ten when after I took a shower and went to put my socks on......

I looked at my feet at saw that I had skin peeling from them! I was amazed that this foot peel was working. The bottoms of my feet were really starting to look better. My feet after many years were beginning to feel soft again! All that dead ugly skin was starting to peel away. My boys thought my peeling skin was so cool!

So did I end up with baby soft feet?
 I was truly amazed at the difference of my feet! The Baby Foot took away most of the dried dead skin on my feet and I have new feet. My feet have never looked so good. My feet are now soft and even have a pink color to them. I still have some cracked hard skin on the back of my heels so I think with another treatment, that hard skin will go away. This is the first foot product that I actually saw results and I will be buying another set of these Baby Foot booties to get the rest of the dead skin off my heels. I will be using this Baby Foot Peel on a regular basis to keep my feet soft. I am no longer embarrassed by the appearance of my feet and my sandals will look so good on my feet. So if you have ugly feet like I used to have then you must try Baby Foot Exfoliant Foot Peel.


You won't believe this 7.3 Injectors said...

I was a little leary about these. I put them on, did what I was suppose to and very little skin came off...about day 3 I really started to see all the dead skin falling off. It ended up being amazing. It has been over a month and my feet are STILL baby smooth/soft, however, my callouses are just now starting to come back...I NEVER get to go that long with smooth feet. LOVE THEM LOVE THEM LOVE THEM!

hotmail login said...

That's so amazing. I need this cream for my foot.

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Mom knows best