>U Mom Knows Best: Beautifully Subtle Changes To Overhaul Your Style

Beautifully Subtle Changes To Overhaul Your Style

A full body makeover doesn’t have to cost you the earth with a personal shopper and a personal stylist. If you’re getting a bit bored of your look and either want to bring it up to date, or just give it a new injection of pazazz, but you can’t afford the personal stylish price tag, look no further. A refreshed look can give you a serious self-esteem boost, and it’s perfect if you’re going through a transitional stage in your life, perhaps following a breakup or the start of a new job. Here are just a few ideas for how you can overhaul your style, without the professional price tag.

Change your hair part
If you’re a busy woman, chances are trips to the hair salon are an irregular treat. But you can still shake up your hairstyle, without spending anything. Play about with your hair part - if you’re a center parting kinda girl, give it a go on the side. It can completely change your look, and you never know, you might find that your new part better complements your face shape. If you have a bit more time to visit the stylist, give bangs a go. It’s a completely new way to frame your face, and very on trend at the moment.

Experiment with color
Whether you experiment with a new hair color, or you just fancy bringing a bit more color into your wardrobe, an injection of color into your style will be sure to get heads turning, especially around people who aren’t used to it. It’s easy to get stuck in our ways and tread water around styles which we know suit us. Bringing a bit more color into our outfits comes with a bit more risk, but it’s certain to bring a new lease of life to your look.

Switch glasses for contact lenses
If you’re a glasses wearer, have you ever considered contact lenses? Some people avoid them because of horror stories about older makes of lenses, but modern products, such as the 1-day Acuvue Moist 90 Pack are comfortable, easy to wear, and hydrating for the eyes. What’s more, it’s a completely new look for you. Taking off the glasses can really open your face up, and it gives you a whole lot more possibilities when it comes to eye makeup as well.

Change up your lipstick shade
If you’re used to wearing one or two lipstick shades, give a new one a go. You never know, it could bring a new vitality to your features, and work beautifully with your skin tone. Go for something you’d never have worn before - it could be the new you.

Switch your fragrance
Finally, our scents become an intrinsic part of who we are, so when we switch them up, people that know us will really notice. If you’re a Chanel No5 sort of lady, give something completely different a go - instead of the feminine floral scents, try something more woody, deeper, and more sensual. You could find a whole new you.

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