>U Mom Knows Best: National Clean Up Your Room Day With Febreze Air Purifier

National Clean Up Your Room Day With Febreze Air Purifier

Will you be celebrating National Clean Up Your Room Day?

Amazing that they have a holiday for everything! 
May 10th is National Clean Up Your Room Day (yes, it’s really a holiday) and this year, Febreze Air Purifiers offers a hands-free, stress-free option to help make cleaning less daunting

 I am not sure that I like this holiday as that means I have to clean. I don't know about you but I do not like cleaning, especially dusting. I live in the dry desert of New Mexico and there is plenty of dust here. My house could never pass the white glove test. It seems that I can dust one day and the next day the dust is back. So the only time that I tend to dust is right before company comes over. The rest of the time there is always dust around my house, until today. Today I decided to dust my house (ok just one room) so I could spend less time dusting in the future. I wanted to see if my new Febreze Air Purifier could help reduce the dust around my house. As I told you I hated dusting and if an air purifier could reduce a chore that I despise than I knew that I needed to try it.

Sponsored Post: I received a Febreze Air Purifier to facilitate this post.

So to see if the Febreze Air Purifier works, I dusted my office. It has been a long time since I used my desk and it had plenty of dust on it along with a desktop computer that no longer works. That computer has always been a dust catcher. After I dusted off the desk and computer, I took my cool looking air purifier out of the box to set it up. It was simple to set up. I love that this Hepa-Type air purifier also cleans the air and gives off a fresh Febreze scent of my choice. 


The unit that I received has three settings of air flow on it so I could control how much air that I wanted circulating. I really loved that the scent feature could be adjusted so I could have just a touch of scent in my house. On days that I am cooking fish or Brussels sprouts, I would up the air flow and scent control.

The two filters were easy to install into the air purifier too! My Febreze Air Purifier is made for medium-large rooms and the box says it removes up to 99% of air pollutants along with helping to reduce that nasty dust in my house. 

Since the unit is in my office and I sit in the family room most of the day, I barely hear the purifier. On low, it makes a quiet humming sound. The high setting does make some noise, like that of a fan, but that is okay as it also creates a nice breeze so that will be great to use when it gets warmer outside. For now, I am testing the Febreze Air Purifier in my office as this room gets the most dust. Once I see the results of my test to see if it can reduce the dust, then I might move the purifier to my family room as that is where we spend the most time and the reduction of dust will help with my allergies. The purifier also captures pollen, pet dander, and smoke so it will be great to use in the summer time when my windows are open. 

So discover how Febreze Air Purifier can help you celebrate National Clean Up Your Room Day.

I have been using the Febreze Air Purifier for about a week and there is no dust on the places that I dusted. That is amazing as usually when I dust, the dust comes back several days later. So the purifier is really catching all the dust, truly amazing!


Masshole Mommy said...

Our house is really dusty because we have forced hot air heat, so I would love to get one of these for my place!!

Roger said...

We burn wood during the cold months, causing a lot of dust. The Febreze Air Purifiers would be a great addition to our home.

tinagleisner said...

Afraid I'm still rather skeptical about these products. You did a nice review though ...

Unknown said...

I didn't know there was a National Clean Up Your Room Day! I am going to make sure my kids participate in this event asap!

Azlin Bloor said...

Wow, no dust where you dusted? That sounds really amazing. I need to look into this.

GiGi Eats Celebrities said...


Andrea said...

I have been wanting to get an air purifier for a while. I am off to check this one out!

laborders2000 said...

We have one of these and we love it. It works really well and helps us breathe better.

Unknown said...

I didn't know about that holiday! I should use it to let everyone in the house clean! Great review on the product.

Fatima D Torres said...

I didn't even know about National Clean Up Your Room Day. We've been doing a lot of packing and cleaning for next month. Something like this would come in handy for when we move our boys to their own room.

Anosa said...

AIr purifier is something that I would want to have in the house. I need to check this out as I want to add another one for my room.

Emma white said...

Wow it really does sound amazing! I love reading reviews as you get an honest opinion on things before you go and buy them, this is something i would get myself after reading this and knowing it truly works!

Echo aka The Mad Mommy said...

Oh man, this post reminded me that I need to do my stinky boys laundry today. I think I should febreze his room too!

AKON said...

I really like your writing style, great information, thankyou for posting. hampton bay ceiling fan

Rony Kumar said...


I am totally agree with you that best quality air purifier not only help to remove dust particles from the indoor air but it can also remove the bad smell and odor in the air.

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