I received samples of the mentioned supplements.
This virus pandemic thing has made me want to keep my body extra healthy. I have heard from many people who survived the Corona Virus that it was not a fun time for them. My friends who contracted the COVID lung virus told me that they were miserably sick for many days. So being that it is a virus that affects the lungs and that I have asthma from food allergies and from environmental things, I want to avoid this respiratory virus. I remember 2 years ago when my asthma was out of control and I discovered a milk allergy through food allergy testing. That was a miserable 6 months of breathing problems. So I have gone into super healthy mode these past 5 months.
I have extra time on my hands
Now that I some extra time on my hands, well not really as my boys are keeping me busy, I have been doing some new things to reach my healthy body goals. The boys and I have been running 5 days a week and I have increased my mileage. I have also been lifting weights at home three days a week instead of going to the gym. At first, I stopped visiting the gym because it was closed. Then I avoided the gym because of all the chemical sanitizers that affect my asthma. Now I don't go to the gym because I can't wear a face mask while exercising. The governor even wants people to wear a face mask while exercising outdoors, even the CDC does not recommend that, but I don't as I can't breathe with a mask on. Wearing a face mask while I run will make me have an asthma attack.
All this exercise and lifting weights at home have made my body stronger. I am amazed at my sculpted muscles on my arms and legs. Having a strong toned body at 55 makes me feel awesome. My fitness routine keeps my mind feeling great and I admit I love the way my body looks. I love seeing my strong muscles on my legs and arms. My fitness plan also allows me to naturally manage my asthma. Some days it is hard to exercise with asthma but I push myself out that door and these 10 tips for working out with asthma help. I have continued to exercise first thing in the morning as this energizes my brain and puts me in a great mood. I also seem to be more productive with work when I exercise in the morning. Morning exercise is great for the body and mind.
I have also been trying to eat more vegetables and my garden is now providing me with kale, beet greens, spinach, and tomatoes. I made some this delicious veggie burger recipe the other day and I added chopped kale greens to it. Those bean burgers were so good! I also have been using some new supplements in addition to these 13 supplements that you need to try.
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New supplements that I have discovered
I love discovering new supplements and seeing how they can give me health benefits. So when companies email me and ask me if they can send supplements, I say yes but only after I do my research. There are so many supplements out there that can be harmful or not give the results that one expects so you have got to do your research on medical websites like WebMD before you buy supplements. This book pokes fun at the Wellness industry about all the false claims that are out there. So I have done my research on the below products and have used them.
A supplement that detoxes your brain
As a mom, I always seem to be multi-tasking and these past five months have had me doing even more multi-tasking with the kids unable to go to school and my husband working from home. I really don't know what it is like to have a quiet moment. I would take a "me" vacation to get away from it all but I can't travel. My husband would be fine with me checking into a hotel for a spa day but with this viral pandemic going on, that is not something that I want to do. So like many moms, I am frazzled and distracted. I think that I am getting enough sleep but most days my brain does not feel like it is working efficiently.
I know that I don't have time to take care of my brain, most days I don't even have time to think. So I am glad that I discovered a supplement that can help detox my brain. Toxins from the environment and diet can add to my cognitive decline so that makes detoxifying even more essential. These include bleach in the laundry room, chemicals in foods, and in cosmetics. There are three ways that can support the brain’s detox process.
1. Make sure you’re getting enough vitamin B9 (folate).
“While many people only think of folate as a necessary nutrient during pregnancy, it is very active in the brain and central nervous system. It also aids in cellular detoxification. Vitamin B9 is found in many fortified foods, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables including nuts and leafy green vegetables.”
2. Supplement with Glyteine to support your glutathione levels. “Glutathione is the most important detoxification molecule, essential for getting rid of harmful chemicals and metabolic byproducts that are dangerous to the human brain. The body makes glutathione but depending on our genetics, some of us are more efficient than others at making it. Also, our ability to manufacture glutathione declines with age. Others can’t get into the cells. Research has shown that a new compound called Glyteine, now available over the counter as Continual-G, raises the cellular levels of glutathione rapidly, within an hour or two.”
I enjoyed the taste of this lemon-lime drink and have been drinking it daily. It makes me feel good that I can take care of my brain even when I feel like my brain is going in a hundred different directions.
3. Make sleep a priority.
“Our brains do most of their detoxifying when we’re in deep, non-REM sleep. That’s when the spaces between the brain’s cells enlarge, and accumulated waste can be flushed away. This can’t happen during waking hours. It would be like a railway crew trying to repair tracks while the trains are running.”
Sweating Is Healthy & Should Be Done Often
You’ve got to pee, poop, sweat, or breathe out these toxins. When your output is less than your input, your brain’s health may be compromised.”
To learn more about taking care of your brain visit www.continualg.com and www.Brainspanners.com.
A heart-healthy supplement
Covid-19 is not the most life-threatening disease in America. Heart Disease affects 30 million annually. According to the American Heart Association, nearly half of the US population has some form of cardiovascular disease, a rise from previous years due to a new definition of high blood pressure. Heart disease is a serious condition with over 30 million people diagnosed and 647,000 million deaths per year. The heart is responsible for many functions of the body to feel well, and requires healthy blood flow to the heart and maintaining the blood vessels working properly. Living a healthy lifestyle with proper exercise and food is a remedy that improves heart conditions. Studies have also shown nitric oxide as vital for a healthy cardiovascular system.
I am glad that I discovered a supplement with Nitric Oxide in it. Nitric Oxide has been shown to increase blood flow, lower blood pressure, and increase circulation which in return can help the heart. M3 Miracle Molecule Max has a nice berry or citrus flavor and a whole bunch of other good ingredients like herbal plants, vitamins, and antioxidants so I can keep my heart healthy.
BioNox M3 is sweetened with naturally derived, low glycemic sweeteners xylitol, stevia, monk fruit, and natural flavors from raspberry juice. M3 is vegetarian, gluten-free, soy-free, made in the USA, sugar-free and non-GMO. M3 can be added to one’s daily 8 oz. of water easy daily usage.
Potent immune support
With the kids heading back to school, I am glad that I discovered a potent immune support supplement. My boys are not big fans of vitamin C drinks, vitamin C liquids, or chewable vitamin C, so they are glad that M-mune3 Ultimate Immunity Blend comes in capsule form. This immune-boosting supplement combines the power of vitamin C, zinc, and Elderberry so my boys only have to swallow two capsules. These capsules contain 1000 mg of vitamin C, 50 mg of zinc, and 250 mg of elderberry. I gave my boys this immune supplement before their orthodontist appointment 2 weeks ago and they are still healthy. This Vitamin C supplement will be in my carry-on bag next time I take a trip on an airplane. So much easier to take than the powder vitamin C supplements.
Other healthy products that I have discovered
Since I am on a health kick this summer, I have been busy trying many other healthy products. My favorite healthy product that I enjoy daily is coffee. Yes, coffee is healthy as it is loaded with antioxidants. Coffee can also be enjoyed so many ways from cold to hot. My favorite way to enjoy coffee in the summer is cold brew coffee. You need to check out these 9 delicious coffee products if you enjoy coffee.
I have also been enjoying some delicious healthy smoothies and a new relaxation routine. So check out this list of healthy summer products that I have been enjoying. My healthy routine has included many delicious healthy summer recipes. If you like sushi then you will enjoy this easy sushi bowl recipe. If you are eating more beans and rice from your panic stockpile then these 12 meatless recipes that use beans. My favorite bean recipe is vegan tuna and this tastes so similar to real tuna salad. It is sad to think that summer is almost over and that soon the kids will be back to school.

I really enjoyed reading your post, finding out what you do while at home and isolated. You are a powerful example to all women.
I have been searching for some supplements that will be just right for me. Folate is something I know I need more of and I definitely need more sleep too lol.
supplements are so important. i have to check these out. ive been looking for something different.
These sound like some great supplements. I think they are so important too. I need look more in to these. I'm sure I should be using more supplements.
That sounds like a great and interesting supplement to check out. It's important to have the right supplement for your body.
wow! How many useful vitamines. Love the idea to detox my brain! I am so curious to try!
Thank you so much for these great recommendations! Will definitely check these out.
There are lots of health supplements in the market. It is just for you to find out and try, I would love to try your recommendations.
I always love learning about what other people are doing to help their bodies. I'm taking prentals, fish oil, and iron.
I am only taking iron at the moment, for more energy. Will check out your suggestions and see if there is any that fits my needs.
Wow!! I never knew that was even possible to detox the brain. I would say that the ultimate immunity blend is a must as winter is just around the corner
These vitamins are really good. However I guess they will help me too!
Carrying the Vitamin C supplement on a plane is a good idea. I miss travel...like so many of us do.
You look fantastic. Physical exercise does wonders. I will be sure to check these supplements out especially the brain detox.
You look great! I've been trying out different supplements throughout lockdown for both my immune system and my gut. So far so good!
I really appreciate the kind of topics post here. Thanks for sharing us a great information that is actually helpful. Good day!
Brain Supplements
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